1. How do my results get recorded?
The process starts with the tabulation sheets at the tournament. You are responsible to print clearly and complete all the information on the tabulation form. Mistakes are made when the tournament volunteers have to guess at your information. Incomplete data, poor penmanship, etc. all lead to errors.
1. You have a hyphenated name and sometimes spell out the whole name and other times only use half of it or other times skip the hyphen
2. You sometimes have an apostrophe and other times do not
3. You (or your coach) use different birthdays between events, fail to enter a birth date, or do not provide a full birthday (e.g., only year)
then you are causing problems for everyone!
Currently it takes from four (4) to six (6) hours to cleanse tournament result data due to the issues mentioned above.
To best protect your points, be sure the tabulation sheets are completed in full and spellings are clear and consistent between tournaments. The system uses first name, last name, and date of birth to identify people. Be sure these are correct so that the system can synchronize your results and accurately record your points.
2. How do I get corrections made?
This system is run by volunteers who will do their best to help you. Please send a polite email to theaokisstrong@gmail.com with a subject line referring to AOK rankings and the level of detail you have available. Screenshots that include the URL and division of interest are always helpful. Usually you can expect an email back indicating receipt of your message. We then need to track down original data from the tournament to identify the source of the error and then to get it fixed. We will then email back letting you know about the resolution. As volunteers, we get busy too. If it seems like we missed your message, or have not responded after some time, please drop us a note letting us know you are checking in again about your situation.
3. How long before a tournament results get recorded?
This varies mostly based on whether the tournament was run on an alternate system or on paper or if registration and management was run through Kihapp.
A) If run through Kihapp, then we try to make sure all divisions have been recorded with results and will coordinate with the tournament promoter to try to ensure results are not overlooked. This can be a day and has been a week. There are multiple people with responsibilities for getting the information recorded. Then results are posted.
B) If not run through Kihapp, then the tournament promoter creates a summary spreadsheet from the tabulations and sends them to Kihapp. Then data cleansing occurs to synchronize competitors and genders and clubs, and divisions. The combined time can a few weeks (and has taken longer). Then the rankings are posted.
We are now keeping a results-posted status so that you know the status and who to pressure to get your results posted.
4. Not every tournament is run with exactly the same divisions, how is consistency and fairness handled?
In some cases, the AOK standard of "mixed gender" may be split out into boys and girls divisions. In related cases, breaking events may be split by age groups while the AOK rankings only account for ≤ 17 years. In such cases, multiple first/second/third place values may be recorded.
In some cases, the AOK standard "forms" may be split out into 'regular' and 'traditional'. ONLY Black Belt traditional, 10-17 yrs old, will receive ranking points; and those points will be recorded against F-39.
5. I see results for the individual tournament but they are not in the overall rankings?
ONLY AOK standard divisions are ranked. Many tournaments offer additional events (e.g., traditional forms for younger competitors), but these are not added to the official rankings (except as noted above). Congratulations on having placed, but ranking points will not be listed here. Results, for events run by Kihapp, will be shown under the individual tournament results.
6. The ages (or gender) do not always seem to correspond with the event. Why?
As noted previously, some tournaments may break down an official AOK division based on age or gender. These then have to be aggregated into the official AOK division, thus mergers occur. If you a certain that it is wrong (and it may be), please take a screenshot of where you see this and email info@EventsReg.org for it to be addressed.
7. It looks like some people are listed multiple times for the same event. What gives?
As noted previously, some tournaments may break down an official AOK divisions. Tournament volunteers do their best to handle the consistency and fairness as noted above. The same person should only be listed once per event per tournament. If you see a person listed twice for the same event in the same tournament, please take a screenshot of where you see this (including the URL is always helpful) and email theaokisstrong@gmail.com so it can be addressed.