2025 Competition Stick Fighting/Knife Fighting

Rules First Hit

Padded Stick/Knife Point Sparring


This form of play is a safe form of competition which simulates blades weapon competition. The philosophy of padded point sparring is “One Hit, One Kill”. The credit of this competition comes from the Eskrima Coalisition.


Type fo Play

Padded Point Sparring is played by two players.


A padded stick representing a weapon measuring 26 to 30 inches long and a diameter from one inch to no more than three inches is used to score points to targeted areas of the opponent’ body.


The objective is to win the match by accumulating the majority of points in a two minutes match.


Points are awarded to the contestant who scores with a controlled strike to the targeted areas of the opponents body as one would use a machete/sword. Two points are awarded to the body areas from the head, upper shoulders, torso and weapon arm. One point is awarded to strikes of the non-weapon arm and from the knee down to the foot.

Match, Tie Breaker

A match is won when one competitor accumulates the majority of points before the two minute round has expired. Upon the expiration of time and should the score be even, the match will continue without a time restriction until an opponent score the FIRST CLEAR point to end the match (sudden death).

Area of Compettion and Equipment

Competition Area

The official ring is a square measuring 20 x 20 feet. At the center of the ring is the starting point of the competitors which is 5 feet apart. It will be marked with tape.

Stop Watches

The use of approved stop watches that will have the ability of start, stop and reset as minimum requirements. An object similar to a rolled towel will be used to throw in the ring to indicate time has expired.

Score Display a visual display will be used to indicate the competitors points during the match. Points and infractions (warnings) will also be tracked on the player cards.

Provided Equipment

The ONLY equipment provided will be the padded weapon that will be used to simulate a bladed weapon. This may be twenty-six to thirty inches long.

Safety Equipment - Mandatory

The minimum safety equipment a competitor may have in order to compete will be tournament approved headgear with eye protection, padded gloves, groin protector and mouth piece.

Safety Equipment - Optional

The optional additional safety equipment are chest or torso protector, elbow pads, knee pads, instep and shin pads and other safety equipment the competitor may fell needed to prevent injury.

Referee Staff

The referee will use a staff or similar object in length not to exceed six feet to control the match.


Clothing and shoes

In addition to the mandatory safety equipment, all competitors may wear clothing of any color. Insignias and writing on clothing must not be offensive to anyone. The shoes must have soles which do not mark or damage the floor. Street clothing is not allowed. Uniform shirts and trousers must have a neat appearance.


Tournalment Division Management

All Stick fighting/Knife fighting divisions shall be managed by a director appointed by Cedar Hill Martial Arts, who shall designate his officials and staff.

Staff: Director, Floor Manager, Arbitrator


Each match shall have a center referee and two to four judges. They will be designated by the tournament division director or the floor manager.

Removal of a referee or judge

A referee may not be removed upon request of a particiapant. A referee may be removed if the Floor Manager or Tournament Arbitrator feels that it is necessary for the fairness of the event.

Rule briefing

Before start of all tournaments, officials and players shall be briefed on rules, regualtions, modifications and any other concerns the director wishes to impose.


Prematch duties. Before each match begins it shall be the duty of the referee to: 1) Check the ring for proper markings, cleanliness or hazards. 2) Check availability of materials such as time clocks, referee staff, padded weapons, paper pencils a towel or similar object to use as a time over signal. 3) Check on the readiness and qualifications of the judges to ensure understnading of all rules and regulations. 4) Check each competitor for the required safety equipment.


During the match the referee will call commands to control the match. The referee will also call commands that will indicate to the judges to prepare to make their decisions. The referee will be the one who will indicate to the score keeper who will be awarded the point or who has been penalized for an infraction and is the one who will be indicating who has won the match.

Forfeiture. A match can be annnounced a forfiet when:

Any player refuses to abide by the referee’s decision or accumulates a total of three infractions to the rules.

A player does not report to the ring when called three consecutive times.

Default. A player or team may be forfeited by the tournament director or official for failure to comply with host facilities rules while on the premises or between matches or abuse of hospitality, locker room or other rules and procedure.


Two or four judges will be in the ring with the referee during the match to confirm all decisions made by the referee. An agreement by the majority of the judges must take place.

Replacing judges. If a player objects to the selection of a judge prior to any match every effort shall be made to find a replacement.

Position of the judges. The judges are to be located at predesignated positions. One judge shall be located directly across from the center referee at all times and shall be called the mirror judge. The second judge shall be located 90 degree to the right of the referee and shall be called the shadow judge. If there are four judges, they will be seated at each corner of the ring.

Manner of judges.

Judges must maintain a manner that will not mislead the decision of the referee or other judges in the ring and must wait for the command from the referee before showing their point indication.